Friday, May 6, 2011

Survival Skills

     I was reflecting back on my time here and thinking about how much I have learned. Obviously, I have learned a lot of Spanish as well as other things in my Economics class and Internship in the Clinic, but there is something else I have learned that does not fall into a class. I'll put these things in the Survival Skills category. 

     How to live in Guatemala is something that I didn't realize I was learning so much about until my family came to visit and I remembered what it was like during my first weeks here. I remember going to the market wanting to hold our group leader's hand! I was sure I'd get lost in Antigua and eventually die of hunger or wander into El Salvador. But slowly, things became easier. 

     I had to relearn some of the simple everyday life things I didn't even have to think about before. Here I learned how to go shopping at the grocery store and market, how to barter and not be totally ripped off, how to add minutes onto a phone, how to order food at a restaurant and not get sick (usually), how to go to the bank and exchange money, how to use the bus system and not get lost (mostly), how to cross the street and not get hit, how to get medicine at a Pharmacy, how to wash clothes, and how to shower without being electrocuted (by experience), and how to use the toilet without clogging it (paper in the trash). 

     Life is easier when you can take care of yourself. The longer I was here, the more confidence I gained. It is funny to think back to the girl who was almost being hit by tuktuk, zapping herself in the shower, and staring blankly at the cashier in the grocery store when asked about a "factura". Ah yes, the memories are sweet. 

     What have you learned about living in a new place? 

Myself and Two of the Three lovely ladies I had the pleasure of guiding around Guatemala for a week using my Survival Skills :) The other lovely lady was my Grandma who took this picture for us. Thanks!


  1. Facturas... jajaja. On the Monroy education site, Rachel gave us her "factura" since we were buying supplies for a goodbye party, and it was so CRAZY to actually say "Si, lo tengo aqui."

  2. haha! Electrocuted in the shower!?! I can't wait to hear that one :)

  3. Snow is cold...
