The organization we worked with. |
Forest Park, our home for the weekend. |
Pouring. |
This is the wettest I have ever been from rain. I wasn't dry for two hours. |
This uprooted tree blew there from somewhere else. |
What if this is what you came home too? Your home, but without walls. |
That headboard isn't from this house. It blew in from who knows where. |
Destruction in the path of the tornado. |
The top two floors of the hospital were gone. Gone. |
Mattress in a tree. |
Hi. |
This sign tells the address of this pile of rubble that was someone's house. |
Mom, Louis, Callie, and Sophia working in the supply warehouse. |
Surveying the damage from the top floor of a house we cleaned. |
Lindsay, Hannah, and I. |
Team 10. |
The stories are endless. These pictures are just a glimpse of a story the people of Joplin will never forget.