Thursday, January 27, 2011

2...Nights of Cleaning No, but really, I do enjoy cleaning on occasion. Blast the music, make some tea, and go at it. The results, a nice organized space where it's easier to think and relax. In Guatemala most families will have a lady who comes and cleans the house. It's likely that I will come home to an "arranged" room in the evenings - bed made, things organized. This will be different! I'll still clean up after myself, but it won't be the music and tea type of cleaning :)
     In Guatemala someone else will clean my clothes as well. I will take them to a laundry service where someone will wash, dry, and fold them and charge me by the pound! Something I will clean in Guate: my fruit! Precautionary washing of fruit and veggies includes "fruit cleaner" or bleach. Maybe I'll just eat fruit I can peel - like mangoes! 
     Speaking of cleaning, I have to get everything cleaned up, packed up, and moved out of Bethel tomorrow! Tonight will be a night of cleaning. As will tomorrow night as I get my room ready for Allie to move back in for Spring. I better get busy!

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