Saturday, April 16, 2011


     Wow what a week. It started with last weekend with our trip to Tikal, the capital of the Mayan world. What a work of art! It is definitely a "thin place" in the words of Dr. Becknell. The experience was worth getting up at 4 a.m. and sitting in the last row of the plane - row 11! It was a tiny plane. 

Plane :)

My fellow row 11ers. Beauties! 

     The architecture the Mayans were capable of was incredible to see. I feel honored to have been able to climb their pyramids.

At the bottom looking up

At the top looking down


See those little grave stone looking things at the foot of the stairs? That's where the sacrifices took place, not at the top like most think. Yeah.


bird's nests

A beautiful end to a beautiful weekend :)

And now, spring break! With my lovely Mom, Sister, and Grandma! woooo!


  1. It is a joy to read your blog, Leah. I am so blessed to have you for a friend :)

  2. LOVE!!! Seems so cool! They were all so excited to be going to see you =] ...but whatever you do DON'T let the Neenie Weenie Mammoth see any spiders :P
