Wednesday, February 9, 2011

You WILL Get Sick

     Thank you dear Guatemala students of past years for the letter to us newbies that so directly stated that I will get sick in Guate. You all know the future! Episode 1 of mysterious illness is passed! Yay! I'm not sure what it was exactly but I feel better now thankfully. My second day of language school (yesterday) was difficult due to no sleep the night before due to stomach pain. I ate all the same things the rest of the people in our house ate and nothing more...and yet I was the only one ill. It all started when I was doing my homework. The only way I can describe it is that my body felt "minty" inside and out. Freezing and burning and tingling. Waves of mintyness washed over me as I tried to do my homework. The minty feeling was kinda cool and wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't accompanied by dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea, extreme fatigue, and stomach pain... Well anyway, I went to bed but didn't sleep much. It was a weird night. I'm not sure if it was the fever or just my imagination but I kept waking up to what I thought was a fierce thunderstorm...turned out to be the trucks that shake the house as they drive by my window on the cobblestone streets at night. I get to sleep to a thunderstorm every night!


  1. Yikes!! One of my pilot friends says he only drinks Tampico when he travels to Central and South America... but all that fiber in the food would do it for me too I bet! Hope you start feeling better soon!

  2. Bummer Leah... glad you are feeling better... Minty??? HMMMMM, never heard it described that way:) More like diah stinkin reah... from most Neumann family members. I know you may not have had that of things, but thought, I might send a piece of home to you with that comment:) Love you !


  3. ha! that made me laugh Aunt Sara! no bathroom problems yet, just tummy aches! love you too!
