Thursday, February 24, 2011

Adventures in the Bathroom

     The last 24 hours have provided much entertainment in the bathroom area. Too much. 
     First, Mothers, teach your sons to flush the potty. No one wants to encounter someone else’s logs.
     Second, the underwear in the shower…next time Mr. Jock works out, I hope he leaves his “panties” to dry in his room. And for his sake, he’ll have a less pepperminty workout the next day if they dry in his room instead of in public territory ;)
     Third, even though the unwelcome undies were in the shower, I decided to ignore them for the most part and enjoy a relaxing wash. It sure was refreshing! There was no hot water whatsoever, a common occurrence in Guatemala. Brrr!
     Fourth, the unwanted guest. 



Problem Solved!

     Fifth, the poo on the piso. Someone missed the toilet. Need I say more?

*End note: None of these occurrences are due to my lovely roommate Greta. There are a few others who share our bathroom whom we are excited to be rid of. Also, Mom, I love my soap!


  1. Haha! This is great! By far my favorite post so far!

  2. Why Thanks :) Glad you were here to experience these adventures with me!


    The spider stuck out to me particularly because of my phobia. One night, my roommate Rachel kindly crushed a brown crunchy guy for me that I found in the shower. UGH. But you're very brave-- I had the fortune of NOT seeing spiders quite like that one, so I admire you bravery. Also, good luck with the in-going/out-going roommates- Antiguan homes are never dull, huh? :)

  4. That's funny...your commenting to each other...who works out in a jock strap?
