Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Ancient City

Antigua means “ancient”. It is called this because it was the ancient capital of Guatemala. I arrived here yesterday afternoon and settled in to a new host family. We all went to don Fernando’s house for pizza dinner and the Super Bowl. It’s only been a little more than a week since we arrived in Guate but it was nice to have pizza and watch TV :) The Super Bowl was one I’ll never forget because 1. The PACKERS WON! And 2. It was in Spanish! The announcers called the two teams “Pittsburg” and “Los Empacadores” :) It was funny to watch and it would have been nice to understand the announcers but I am so grateful to have watched it at all!
Yesterday was the first day of language school at Centro por Lingüístico Maya (CLM). My teacher is named doña Ingrid and she is easy to work with so far. The school has café and pan available for us during breaks. Yay! My mind needs a refresher during a four hour Spanish class! After school, Greta and I packed up all our things and moved to a new host family. Yup. For safety reasons, Don Fernando moved us to a new house. He didn’t feel comfortable with us living at the end of a quiet dark street 20 minutes walking time from school and SI. We liked the first house and the people there, but are glad to be only a few min from school and SI with a much bigger room as well. The only downside to this house is that it is owned by an elderly woman who has no need for Wifi…but I think we’ll live ;)
Living here is going to be very different from living in Magdalena. This is my first experience actually living in a bigish city. There are a lot of tourists from all over the world and lots of commerce. It reminds me of downtown Delafield times five. There is a lot to explore and Greta and I have already been lost once but we’ll figure it out sooner or later. And now, on to homework…yay.

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