Wednesday, March 2, 2011


It's 8:30pm. I'm in my room listening to the sounds of the street below. My keyboard is clicking away to the beat of the Spanish flowing from my mind. It's a slow rhythm that threatens to lull me to sleep but the hard wooden chair isn't allowing dreaming tonight. A few more sentences...a few pages bed awaits. A strange feeling washes over me. My eyes itch. My breath grows short...


I need a Kleenx. Bad. An instant waterfall from my nose forces me to jump from my chair. I grasp wildly at a roll of toilet paper on the table. Relief. 

Unfortunately, this is a nightly occurrence. I sit at the that table and work diligently. I try my best to conquer my assignments. It's just such a hindrance to be allergic to homework!

1 comment:

  1. LEAH. i LOVE reading your stories! hahah :) all the march ones just made my morning and i love being able to experience some of your experiences in my mind :) thanks amiga!
