Monday, March 7, 2011

Who let the dogs out?!

Who? Who? Who? WHO?
Brown. Fuzzy. Big. Muscular. Curly. Smooth. White. Slobbery. Grey. Panting. Black. Tiny. Sniffing. Bring on the DOGS!
I was walking to breakfast, enjoying the beautiful morning. The sun was shining and the flowers were brilliant as ever. I was momentarily distracted by a curly little dog happily riding along in a lady’s purse. How cute! She brought her little buddy out for a Sunday walk. A block later, a couple with a couple of frightening dogs crossed the street – a German Shepherd and a Doberman. I arrived at my breakfast destination, a little café called Y…Tu piña también (And…Your pineapple as well:). I enjoyed a refreshing fruit salad with yogurt and granola and a glass of orange juice. Mmm! My next destination was church. Besides having to move off the sidewalk once to give two dogs space to meet each other and two owners space to drag the dogs along, I made it without hassle. I’m not sure what exactly happened while I was in church, but when I came out, I was swimming in dogs. Five Chihuahuas were bumping along in a stroller. A blue-eyed husky was panting in the shade. I have never seen so many dogs in one place in my entire life! Every other person had a dog or three. A few people even had puppies :) My favorite! Apparently a major dog necessities supplier was having a promotion… It was “go out with your dog friend day.” And go out they did. 
Hey there Friend!
Agua for the dogs :)
I'm so cool I can walk TWO fluffy dogs!
Making Friends!
This puppy's name is Poofy! Seriously.
Dogs like shopping too!
Sleepy Puppies!
Fuzzy Puppy!
Seen enough dogs in one day? Me too!

1 comment:

  1. Y Tu Piña Tambien! That was a favorite- was the Monkey's Ass still on the menu? And of all the places to see that many dogs! WOW! Never would have guessed. :)My favorite is the little fluff ball with the bow clips!
